our buyers can avoid their own homeowner association horror story by keeping an eye out for these items during the search.

What’s the difference between a good, mediocre, and downright bad homeowner association? It’s not entirely a matter of opinion. There are specific items to look at and questions to ask that can tell your buyers whether they’re buying into an HOA that will only give them headaches. This information is particularly important in condominiums, where the HOA usually is responsible for maintaining the exterior of the buildings. If they aren’t careful, your buyers could face paying a big special assessment for years of neglected capital improvements after they close. The bill they’re typically stuck with could be anywhere from $1,000 to $30,000. (In some cases, they've gone over $100,000!) Help your buyers perform due diligence before closing by assisting them in identifying issues to minimize the element of surprise. While this isn’t intended to be legal advice and there may be other items to look at other than those mentioned in this article, this should give you ideas for how to advocate for your buyers when dealing with HOAs.
Look at the Community as a Whole
Is it run-down? Don’t solely focus on the one property your buyer is purchasing. When the HOA is responsible for maintaining the buildings, check out neighboring units and common spaces along with the home your buyer is purchasing. Here are some telltale signs of an HOA that isn’t on top of its responsibilities:
- Are the fences rusting?
- Are the building signs in disrepair?
- Does the asphalt look like gravel?
- Are the pool and other amenities clean and in good working order?
- What is the age and condition of the roofs?
- Do the buildings need to be painted?
- Are there staircases and balconies in poor shape that the HOA is responsible for maintaining?
- When were the buildings last treated for termites? Have they been neglected, with a higher risk of unknown termite damage throughout the community?
- Are there problems with siding?
- Are there grading issues causing flooding?
- What is the condition of the gutters, fascia, and other fixtures?
Neal Paskvan is a full time Realtor specializing in Downers grove, Darien,Woodridge, Westmont and Du page county Real Estate
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