Today's Prices Compared to Peak [INFOGRAPHIC]
DOWNERS GROVE REAL ESTATE, Baird and Warner. Neal Paskvan, Top Agent, Real Estate Agent Serving DOWNERS GROVE and the Western suburbs of CHICAGO Need to Move On or Move Up or Move Down? I will advise you how to keep the Equity you have in your home. You Need Me on Your Side 630-724-4729
Foreclosurefilings in the Chicago area rose 30 percent in October from a month earlier but remained well below their year-ago level, RealtyTrac reported.
In an area from Kenosha, Wis., to Northwest Indiana, 3,442 new foreclosure actions were filed last month, the companyreported. That compared with 2,653 in September and 5,496 in October 2012.
since then 27% have gone on to re-default on
these loans. These figures have come from a quarterly report to Congress and were compiled by the Office of the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (SIGTARP). According to the article in DS News, SIGTARP pointed to the Treasury that they should’ve heeded previous recommendations regarding the Home Affordable Modification Program, and that as far back as April the Inspector General had expressed concern over the increasing number of homeowners defaulting on permanent mortgage
Click here for the rest of the story by out friend Allison Halliday at reality biz news
What’s behind the drop in sales? NAR’s chief economist Lawrence Yun pinpoints three main factors: Higher mortgage rates, constrained inventories, and continuing tight credit.
As thousands of state residents enroll in Washington’s expanded Medicaid program, many will be surprised at fine print: After you’re dead, your estate can be billed for ordinary health-care expenses. State officials are scrambling to change the rule
The Obama administration urged banks to improve their service of the government’s anti-foreclosure efforts through the Making Home Affordable Program and to use federal funds more effectively in helping to save struggling home owners from foreclosure.
The U.S. Treasury singled out CitiMortgage Inc., telling the bank it needed to make “substantial improvement” in its loan modification efforts through the Home Affordable Modification Program and to reach out to more home owners who are eligible to receive assistance.
The Treasury provides financial incentives to mortgage servicers under HAMP, which aims to encourage servicers to change the terms of struggling borrowers’ mortgages and lower their m
Real estate professionals ranked exterior improvement projects as winning the buyers’ eye and providing sellers with the most return on investment.
pdating the outside of a home pays off, according to this year’s Cost vs. Value Report.