Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Homes for Sale in Downers Grove

Did you know there are over 600 Homes for Sale in Downers Grove Right Now?    Prices Range from $33,000 to 3.5 Million

Search Powered by Baird and Warner ChicagoLands #1 Home Search Site

Click here to See all Downers Grove Homes for Sale

Neal Paskvan is a Real Estate Broker with Baird and Warner

You can Contact Neal any time to get more info on any property

Click here to get ALL my Contact info

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

show Your A/C UNIT A LITTLELOVE This Weekend save energy and Money too

Due to the wet weather this spring in Chicagoland  the littlecottonwood “Snowflakes” fell early!


Cottonwood   Clogs A/C  COILS

Think about it for a moment… During the peak of cottonwood season, fuzzies are flying around your neighbor hood. This is when they attack your air conditioner. No they don’t use magic, or contain some sort of chemical agent. Instead, they are sucked into your condenser coil, and the result is reduced air flow across the coil. This will first cause your air conditioner to loose some of its energy efficiency. Although this is a problem, losing a little efficiency will only cost you pennies, but the bigger problem of an over heated compressor can cost hundreds.
Picture this, its 100 degrees outside and your cottonwood seed packed coil can’t cool itself off. Do you see the problem here? Those cute little fuzzies we chase around as kids just burnt out your compressor! Now you have to call up for an emergency service call in the high heat of summer.

From what the experts' tell me, the simple solution is to just fully hose down the grill work around your A/C unit so it can do it’s job!

Click here to see a Video on how it's done

“Neal Paskvan is a Real Estate Agent in Downers Grove with Baird and Warner”

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Clutter Bug in Your Home? | Clutter Free Tips | Provided by HouseLogic

Messy House Do you constantly clash with the clutter bug in your home? Here are tips on how opposing clutter styles can live in peace.
If you live alone, you never must tolerate anyone’s clutter but your own. Add another human to the household, and you’re bound to butt heads over how and when stuff is stored, piled, and put away.  The Wall Street Journal feels your pain and recently hosted an online chat about clutter styles.
Writer Alina Dizik and psychologist Patty Ann Tublin advised readers — mostly women complaining about packrat husbands and boyfriends — how to navigate relationships between clutter bugs and neatniks.

Here are 5 tips we culled from the conversation:
1. Determine if arguments about clutter are really power struggles. Is the rift really about piles of paper or an attempt to acquire more control? If you can’t figure this out, consult a professional organizer or counselor.
2. To reduce stress in your home, designate “clutter free” and “clutter friendly” areas. Perhaps the guests-only living room is a No Clutter space, while a mudroom or small den can accommodate some clutter. Also, investigate unusual places to store clutter, like under the stairs, or these space-saving hacks.
 Click here for the Rest of the Story

Thursday, July 19, 2012

New Price $155,000 in Downers Grove

2-Bedroom and 1-1/2 Bath Close to Everything!

Many Upgrades Make this Home a Super Value ~ Up Dated Kitchen Cabinets and Counter Tops ~ Granite Upgrades in all Bathrooms and Dressing area ~ Anderson Efficient Windows and Sliding Doors, just to name a few ~ Balcony off of Master Bedroom ~ Minutes to I-55 & I-355 ~ Pace Commuter Bus to Metra ~ Moments to Major Shopping ~ Over $20,000 of Recent Upgrades~ Nothing to do but Move in and Enjoy !
Take A tour on Youtube

Contact Baird and Warner for a Private Showing.  630-964-1855

Friday, July 13, 2012

Foreclosure Fillings Swell in Chicago Area-By Mary Ellen Podmolik, Chicago Tribune Reporter.

bank-owned_1 As we have mentioned in previous post. The first housing bubbles to burst were in states like California, Arizona, Nevada, as well as Florida. 
 Well indeed the Foreclosure issue has now reached in to the Chicago Area.  If you need some help sorting through all the Headlines feel free to contact me. 

Click here to get the rest of the Story from Mary Ellen Podmolik at the Chicago Tribune

Monday, July 9, 2012

The Downers Grove / Darien Real Estate July Newsletter is Here

The July issue hot off the press… ( well the word processor actually). Lot’s of interesting news and ideas in this months issue on the local and national level. Check it out and let me know what kind if information you would like to see in future issues!

Have a GREAT JULY… All my best to you and yours. Neal Paskvan- Baird Warner

Click Here For the July DOWNERS GROVE / DARIEN Newsletter -

Friday, July 6, 2012

Another Tip on Keeping Cool Before You Call the A/C Guy- Check the Batteries in Your Programable Thermostat.

In a previous post I related a tip about making sure your whole house humidifier was indeed turned off for the summer.

Today I would like to post another article on the same topic. Yep, I Learn new stuff Every Day

Yes it has been 100+ degrees here in ChicagoLand for a few days.  I walked into my house today, and it's not quite as cool as I think it should be. I thought the A/C unit at this point just can't keep up.. However the new A/C unit is only on it's second season and it should be cooler. Off to the Internet I Go..

Seems my programmable thermostat has batteries in it to keep it "talking" my A/C unit.  A quick search on the net said most of them do. So I put some new batteries in and now all is Cool!   The bottom line is keep that thermostat "Talking" to your A/C unit

Feel free to comment or send us a story or link...

Thursday, July 5, 2012

CoreLogic: Home prices rise for third consecutive month | HousingWire

According to CoreLogic Home Prices Rise AgainDifferences ! ??  Not so much  in Chicago Land

However you need to read beyond the headline… as you can see some states are in a decline!  Here is a bottom line Quote from the Story.

“The five states experiencing the most price appreciation include Arizona (prices up 12%); Idaho (up 9.2%); South Dakota (up 8.7%); Montana (up 8.2%); and Michigan (up 7.9%)”.

“Areas with the greatest price Depreciation include Delaware (prices down 9%); Rhode Island (prices down 4.4%); Illinois (prices down 4.2%); Alabama (prices down 4.1%); and Georgia (prices down 4%)”.

In Fact it seems CoreLogic  will indeed Exclud Distreessed Sales in there forcast.  ( Quote below)

:”CoreLogic's Pending Home Price Index suggests that home prices will rise another 1.4% from May to June. When excluding distressed sales, that number is expected to jump by 2%.”

Click Here for the Rest of the Story